
Volume 5 (Magenta Cover)

Kitten of the Sea: The Battle at the Beach continues as Cologne continuously attacks Ranma with her deadly "Shark Fist". It seems that Ranma-chan can't get even one hit in, especially with Akane in the way. Things look bleak for Ranma until she finally figures out that with Shhampoo's help, Ranma-chan can finally counter the old Amazon's technique with one of her own...

Will You Join Me?: Ryoga returns from a long training session in the mountains only to be easily beaten by Ranma - ironically right after rejecting an offer from Cologne to train him. Seems as if all those battles with the "old ghoul" has strengthened Ranma's speed and skill, to the point where fighting Ryoga is nothing to him. Ryoga decides after all to enlist the help of Cologne in order to be on par with the newly improved Ranma...

Training Meals: Ranma, Genma, and Akane go to the mountains on a training trip, trailed by Ryoga and Cologne Akane comes along mostly to practice her cooking, and a failure to satisfy Genma and Ranma's hunger with good cooking forces Genma and Ranma to flee in horror. Later, Ryoga is able to stomach Akane's cooking, and though Akane is happy, she is angry at Ranma for implying that it's bad. Ryoga and Ranma almost begin their duel eraly, but Cologne intervenes, ominously warning Ranma that he will have a very formidable opponent in Ryoga on the day of the duel...

The Breaking Point: In order to even up the odds with Ranma, Ryoga is trying to learn the Breaking Point - a deadly technique which shatters rock at a single touch of a finger. Genma informs Ranma, and Ranma struggles to learn a counterattack to the supposedly deadly technique. Meanwhile, Akane has moved over to Ryoga's camp after being angry with Ranma, but ends up being the prize of the duel on the day of the fight..

The Immortal Man: The day of the fight is at hand, and Ryoga shows he has mastered the deadly Breaking Point technique. Who knows what will happen if he touches Ranma? Ranma must use his skill to counter Ryoga's already incredible strength, all while not getting touched! It might even take the "Saotome Secret Technique" to beat this opponent...

Fast Break: Ranma's discovered that not only can Ryoga shatter rocks with the Breaking Point technique, but that Ryoga is stronger against impacts as a result. Now Ranma has to use his "Saotome Secret Technique" (i.e. running away to buy time) in order to find a way to beat Ryoga. A quick series of punches by Ranma shows that he will have to use his speed to counter Ryoga's endurance. A tired Ranma must use his recently acquired speed quickly to defeat Ryoga, before the bandanna-wearing martial artist can defeat him with sheer power...

The Way of Tea: Onna-Ranma just happens to save a man riding a horse from being injured, but the man ends up kidnapping Onna-Ranma and trying to make her his bride! Meet Sentaro, a man destined to marry Miss Satsuki, a martial arts Tea ceremony master. Onna-Ranma finds out that the reason Sentaro had kidnapped her was to defeat Miss Satsuki in combat, and though Onna-Ranma is quick to say she won't lose, she's still in a double bind, forced to either lose and admit defeat or win and marry Sentaro...

Meet Miss Satsuki: To Sentaro's surprise and horror, Onna-Ranma reveals her curse to him when Sentaro again reiterates his desire to marry her after her duel. When Akane shows up following Onna-Ranma's trail, though, the battle really begins. Onna-Ranma has to master the techniques of the martial arts Tea Ceremony so that in the upcoming match with Miss Satsuki, she doesn't mess up! And Ranma and Akane find out that the problem that Sentaro has, however, is that Miss Satsuki is not exactly the bride he's been dreaming of!

Proposal Accepted!: At first Onna-Rnama is reluctant to fight, but when "Miss Satsuki" attacks her she can't take the insult without retaliating. Using all the techniques she learned over a small amount of time, Onna-Rnama looks to be onthe verge of winning - until Sentaro attempts to off both her and Miss Satsuki in order to marry Akane. Fortunately, the real Miss Satsuki appears, and maybe Sentaro and the others can finally find out why a monkey was supposedly sent in her place...

It's Fast or It's Free: A martial arts Takeout Delivery race has Akane and Onna-Ranma competing for a year's worth of food. The problem is that Shampoo's in the race too, and she's going to stop at nothing to win the race and impress Onna-Ranma. Throw in the fact that Kuno's house happens to be the randomly selected finish line of the race, and you've got a free-for-all to see who can get the free food to Kuno's house first and make him eat it! Funny how Kuno told Akane and his "pig-tailed goddess" that day that whoever reaches his house first gets to date with him...

Eyes On the Prize: The race is on, and Shampoo attempts to put both Onna-Ranma and Akane out of the race by using a technique that blows up people's delivery boxes and damaging the food inside. The field is quickly narrowed to the three of them, and a three-way tie at Kuno's house makes the three girls enter into an every-person-for themselves fight where the object is to make Kuno eat their food...

Noodles, Anyone?: The fight to make Kuno eat takeout continues, and Shampoo attempts to make Kuno eat it with yet another one of her moves - a noodle noose which wraps itself around the person's head like a vice and forces them to eat their way through it to breathe. Fortunately, Onna-Ranma is caught in it instead and Shampoo is forced to withdraw the technique. In the meantime, Kuno thinks that all three of these girls are out to date him, and an attempt to make a Kuno "harem" out of the three, Akane's food is accidentally knocked out and eaten by Shampoo and then Onna-Ranma...

I Won't Eat It!: The fight gets taken up to the Kuno family baths, where Onna-Ranma happens to change back into a guy, also disqualifying Shampoo by ruining her food. There can only be a winner if someone eats the food, hwoever, and unfortunately as a guy, Ranma is not as able to convince Kuno to eat his takeout as much as he would be if he was a girl. An angry Kuno duels Ranma while Ranma is desperately trying to get Kuno to eat the food he's taken to him..and it may take some form of cold water in order to really convince Kuno to eat Ranma's already damaged food...
